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History of Keep It Green (KIG)


Keep It Green began as a handful of concerned citizens who opposed a zoning change to build 105 high density condominium units on land zoned as recreational, in violation of our land use plan and other law. That small group of residents has rapidly grown into a grassroots movement consisting of thousands of citizens of the Waccamaw neck who are seriously concerned about the future of our community and the impact of increased density and inappropriate development on traffic, flooding, environment, overburdened infrastructure, and other matters of safety and general welfare.


To be clear Keep It Green is not against development. We support smart development that (1) complies with the law, (2) is consistent with natural character and infrastructure, and (3) meets the needs of the community.


There is strength in our numbers and Keep It Green has become a credible and effective voice in our community. KIG is a South Carolina nonprofit 501(c)(4) corporation (Keep It Green, Inc.) managed by a volunteer Board of Directors consisting of friends and neighbors who are committed to this mission.


Keep It Green Advocacy, Inc. (KIGA)


Keep It Green Advocacy (KIGA) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) public interest law firm that was formed for the express purpose of protecting and preserving the land, quality of life & natural character of the Waccamaw Neck, holding our county officials accountable to follow the law, and safeguarding historically and culturally significant neighborhoods. KIGA assists community residents and other organizations with issues that fall within our mission free of charge.


KIGA is managed by a volunteer Board of Directors that is completely independent of and separate from the KIG Board of Directors. Cindy Ranck Person, Esquire is Legal Counsel & Executive Director.


For more detailed information about Keep It Green Advocacy, please click HERE.


KIG Mission Statement


Keep It Green, Inc. is committed to protecting and preserving the land, quality of life, and natural character of our community in the Lower Waccamaw Neck for the benefit of present and future generations.


  • We support smart development that complies with the law, is consistent with natural character and infrastructure, and meets the needs of the community.

  • We are opposed to land use and zoning changes that violate the comprehensive plan or other law. 

  • We hold public officials accountable to follow proper law and procedure. 



We are thousands of committed neighbors who are passionate about our mission. 


Our Board of Directors & Advisory Council is made up of citizen volunteers who are committed to upholding our community values and protecting our way of life.   


Please feel free to reach out to any of these folks who help guide our mission and activities and find out how you can become part of Keep It Green.

Board of Directors

Duane Draper, Chairman

Mary Beth Klein, Vice President

Martin Farrell, Treasurer

Elaine Cooper, Secretary

Everett Allen​


Advisory Council

Amy Jones, Mike Mushock, Gary Weinreich, Andrew Anton


Legal Counsel

Cindy Ranck Person, KIGA

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