Citizens have grave concerns about a proposal to take away an existing public hearing that allows residents to become aware of and provide relevant input about land development in their community.
On May 23, 2023, County Council will vote on a proposed ordinance revision that would change the multi-family land development approval process from a decision that is made by the Planning Commission after public hearing to an in-house county staff decision.
The chart below summarizes the facts about this proposed revision as compared to the current ordinance and cites the corresponding statutory authority for each item. The major issues are highlighted in yellow.
For those that wish to take a deeper dive, we have provided a link to the proposed ordinance revision, the land development regulations, as well as a one-page detailed summary of the land development approval process so that you can review the matter for yourselves.
An important function of KIG is to keep the public informed about land use matters on the Waccamaw Neck and to report the actions of our county officials relative to those issues. As a group that represents thousands of citizens, we take this role very seriously. We know you take it seriously as well.
KIG stands by the facts we report. We independently research the issues and review legal matters with KIGA's team of experienced land use lawyers and planning experts. Based on our thorough investigation and study, we offer recommendations, factual and legal conclusions, opinions, and proposed action items for consideration by citizens.
In keeping with principles of democracy and healthy government, KIG encourages transparency, open dialogue, and the free exchange of information, ideas, and opinions between public officials and the people they were elected to represent, in a manner that is courteous and respectful even when we may disagree.
With regard to important decisions that will be coming before our governing body, we often encourage you to contact your elected council representative and respectfully express any concerns you may have.
In response to a request from our supporters, and to further our goal of engaging the community in important land use matters, KIG will begin holding regular public "town hall" meetings to address relevant topics in a large group setting with question and answer time available. Times and dates to be announced soon.
We believe the facts speak for themselves. The proposed ordinance revision very clearly takes away the only opportunity for a public hearing and notice to the general public prior to approval of the development.
If you are opposed to this revision, we encourage you to urge your elected official to vote "NO" on this proposal.
We appreciate the continued support of the thousands of citizens we represent in our work to protect and preserve the Waccamaw Neck. We are grateful for your support during Palmetto Giving Days.
Together, we are making a difference. Thank you!